In the wake of Christchurch incident, the New Zealand Police has established a phone line – (+64 0800 115 019) – for people to use if they hold serious concerns about individuals. This contact should be used as well for specific concerns about individuals.
Further, New Zealand Police has notified the public of the Restoring Family Links (RFL) website where people can register missing persons or register themselves as alive. The RFL website is a tool where the public can self-register they are alive so family and friends know they are safe. Members of the public can also register missing persons. People will have the option to make this information visible to the public or kept private when they fill out the required form.
People living in New Zealand can also register missing persons on 0800 115 019. A member of Police will contact the concerned person if one registers a missing person. Police will provide updates on the incident as and when they are available.
People can access the RFL website on the following link: