Dear all,
As you are aware, during the Alert levels 4 and 3, the High Commission has remained open for emergency services. Since New Zealand is now moving to Alert level 2, the High Commission will be open for regular business from Thursday 14 May 2020. However, during the month of Ramadan, the High Commission will remain open from 9am to 3pm while Consular services will be available as usual from 9am to 12pm.
Those who intend to visit the High Commission for Consular services may please note the following:
Only visit the High Commission if your presence is mandatory.
Consular services will be provided strictly on appointment basis and no walk-ins will be entertained. If one intends to make an appointment the online appointments are now open (click here).
To ensure the safety of staff and visitors strict social distancing will be followed. Hand washing stations are installed at the entrance of the building. Sanitizers will also be available at the reception.
Please do not bring children with you unless their presence is required. Also restrict yourself and accompanying persons to the Consular Section of High Commission.
Many Consular services including passport renewal, NICOP and Visa will remain available online. Stay safe!